The applicant filed the international word mark DRIVE PILOT in the class 9, namely for vehicle safety software.
The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO) refused the protection for Hungary.
„Global patent” – Myth or reality?
Such communication can be easily heard quite often, which advertises and advocates for an invention referred to as a “global patent”. But do global patents really exist?
The applicant requested review with the Metropolitan Tribunal, but it was rejected. The applicant argued that the term spirit is connected to relaxation, it has a spiritual, mental meaning. The term spirit is not used in the living English.
Fallibility of a three dimensional mark
It is not easy to acquire registration of a three dimensional mark, the legal provisions are rigorous.
The European Patent Office (EPO) updated the fees
The regular bi-annual revision of fees at the European Patent Office (EPO) has become due this year and resulted in an updated fee schedule effective as of April 1, 2020. In case of the majority of fees the increase is in the region of 4%. Renewal fees have been...
Tájékoztató a bíróságok és szellemitulajdon-védelmi hatóságok előtti ügymenet COVID-19 járvány miatt bevezetett változásairól
A hazai bíróságok, az SZTNH, az EPO, az EUIPO és a WIPO előtti ügymenet változásai a COVID-19 vírus miatti veszélyhelyzet miatt.