Prosecuting and Maintaining European- and Hungarian Patent Rights

In terms of patents, our dedicated and highly experienced team of registered European- and Hungarian patent attorneys, uniquely qualified across all fields of science and technology, provides a broad range of services both in English and Hungarian related to prosecuting patents and utility models, and maintaining rights in force.

The process of obtaining rights includes preparing applications, for example, conducting novelty searches or, where appropriate, preparing an expert opinion regarding the patentability of a specific technical solution, formulating a professional patent or utility model specification in accordance with legal requirements, and preparing other official documents and forms necessary for the application. We continue to provide legal representation for you subsequent to the application being filed and act as an intermediary between you and the patent office throughout the entire granting procedure. This enables us to take a considerable administrative burden off your shoulders, while maintaining efficient and high-standard professional relations with the examiners and other adminstrative staff of the patent office, from the moment the application is filed to protection being granted, where we would particularly highlight the high acceptance rate we enjoy. In the event of an opposition being filed against any patent or utility model we represent, we can demonstrate considerable experience in proceedings before the Opposition Board and Board of Appeal.  

In most cases an official fee will be payable each year to maintain the filings and rights in force. We also undertake to ensure such maintenance fees as appropriate are settled in a timely manner, which, particularly in the case of foreign patents, does entail considerable financial administration.