Production of artificial mineral oil including hydrocarbonus having high octane and cetane number via environment-friendly catalytic cracking of plastic wastes

Production of artificial mineral oil including hydrocarbonus having high octane and cetane number via environment-friendly catalytic cracking of plastic wastes

The present invention relates to a process for the production of artificial mineral oil containing hydrocarbon fractions having high octane and cetane number, which is produced mainly by environmentally friendly catalytic cracking of plastic wastes containing mainly polyolefins under mild conditions on a specially activated catalyst.

Production of artificial mineral oil including hydrocarbonus having high octane and cetane number via environment-friendly catalytic cracking of plastic wastes

Process for the disposal of intractable non-biodegradable waste material flows from oil refineries

The present invention relates to the catalytic, wet disposal treatment of persistent, non-biodegradable oil refinery waste material flows, hazardous substances with high alkali, sulfide, polysulfide and mercaptan content, using an appropriate, combined, alternate-cycle operation method and a suitable catalyst composition such that wastewater material flow loaded with organic matter of a COD value greater than 150 000 mg O2/dm3 is remediated to such a degree at a lower pressure and temperature than industrial operation standard with a catalyst of high Ni content that the treated material flow may be treated in a biological wastewater treatment plant, the cleansed material flow thereof may be discharged into surface waters.