Utilisation of Intellectual Property Rights

Managing Industrial Property Right Tenders and R&D certification

Managing Industrial Property Rights Tenders

Subsidies to cover the costs incurred in obtaining industrial property rights have been available for more than ten years now in Hungary. You can apply through calls to tender specifically aimed at subsidising such costs or supporting them in conjunction with R&D activities. Although these tenders do not place great weight on the costs involved and only tend to yield relatively minor sums, their complexity is often disproportionately high due to the difficulties in budget planning when it comes to industrial property rights and the complicated nature of the protection systems themselves. As it is not really worth generalist tender writing firms looking to develop this kind of expertise and patent firms are frequently reluctant to field questions from you regarding tendering, you often simply do not receive the proper expert guidance you require. Inadequate work- and budgetary planning when it comes to industrial property rights often leads to you not being able to call down the funding you have obtained or only being able to use these resources in a manner that is far from ideal. 

Recognising this, Danubia IP has from the outset been committed to helping you in writing and managing industrial property rights tenders, and in industrial property rights protection cost modelling for larger R&D&I tenders.

Preparing for R&D certification

The R&D certification process carried out by the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO), which involves the Office assessing applicants’ projects according to whether they meet the specified R&D criteria, i.e. may be considered an R&D activity with the accompanying tax breaks and more favourable tender financing, also forms the boundary between industrial property rights protection and the economic interests of the tendering system. The outcome of the assessment therefore has significant economic consequences.  

70 years of fruitful collaboration with the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office and the considerable number of certification procedures in which we have represented our clients mean our staff is extremely well acquainted with the criteria for certification and the practices of the examiners. However, our work extends beyond simply preparing your application; the greatest added value we can offer may be in the consultation work, where we look to develop and restructure the professional content as required to ensure as much as we can that your project is granted the highest level of R&D certification possible.