Utilisation of Intellectual Property Rights

Technology Transfer and Licence Agreements

Technology transfer is the complex process of translating research findings into practical application, even if that is performed by an entity other than the original developer. Some form of intellectual property, which must be sufficiently strong to enable the transfer to take place and to maintain the good co-operation between the parties, always serves as the practical basis for this.

We appreciate just how important preparation and negotiations are in licensing and other technology transfer transactions, so, regardless of whether we are advising you as the seller or the purchaser, we will be by your side to guide you every step of the way when it comes to communication, playing an active role in the negotiations themselves, commenting on offers, drafting counteroffers and contractual documents or other consulting work. 

In the event that we are advising you as the purchasing party in a transaction, we will assess and value the intellectual property in question, while as a client from abroad we will help you navigate local legislation and the approach to negotiating, and guide you through the entire negotiation process to the successful closure of the transaction.