(+36 1) 411-8837

András Antalffy-Zsíros BSc. LLB
Registered European- and Hungarian Patent Attorney
Electrical Engineer and Lawyer

András Antalffy-Zsíros has considerable experience acquired over a number of decades preparing and managing industrial property rights matters.

He has worked for Danubia since 1982, initially for Danubia’s predecessor, Licensed Inventions Foreign Trading Co., and since 1990 for Danubia Patent and Law Office.

András graduated in electrical- and vehicle engineering from Kandó Kálmán College of Electrical Engineering in 1977 and went on to obtain a degree in law from József Attila University in 2001.

András is also a recipient of the Ányos Jedlik Prize.

Language Skills:
English and German

Professional Memberships

» MIE (Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright)
» LES (Licensing Executives Society)
» Union (European Practitioners in Intellectual Property)

Principal Areas of Expertise
» Electrical machines, vehicle electronics, automotive industry, security technology, security gate technology, tool industry, mechanical engineering, mechanics, assembly technology, household appliances, hardware and sex aids